Application form : Application deadline extended to Sunday, May 5th.
Open to: Graduate students and researchers working or planning to work on molten salt research and technology development.
The bootcamp is organized in partnership between the US-DOE funded NuSTEM consortium and EU-funded SAMOFAR research consortium, with the goal of disseminating knowledge about molten salt science and engineering, and expanding the community of researchers in this field. Being a large multi-institution effort, this bootcamp also has the goal of facilitating knowledge exchange among the global community of molten salt researchers. In reaching to a diverse attendance, we hope to form a community of learning and research exchange among the attendance cohort that in the future contributes to knowledge exchange and establishment of global collaborations among molten salt researchers.
Course structure: A series of five hands-on modules. Each module will include a hands-on exercise. The exercise will involve calculations using a software, analyzing and interpreting results of a numerical model, or experimental data, or other type of analysis. The goal of the module is to teach the students and researchers a new skill that they can bring into their research. Come prepared to do some analysis and calculations.
- Module 1: Multi-physics modeling, safely, and licensing. Max Fratoni, Jean Ragusa, Pablo Rubiolo
- Module 2: Thermochemistry and thermophysical properties, electrochemistry. Ondrej Benes, Sylvie Delpech, Anna Smith, Raluca Scarlat.
- Module 3: Corrosion & experimental design. Waste conversion. Experimental error analysis. Adrien Couet, Kumar Sridharan, Raluca Scarlat, Luis Ortega, Sean McDeavitt, Anna Smith, Sylvie Delpech.
- Module 4: Fuel Cycle & Separations and Mass Transport. Jiri Krepel and Pavel Tsvetkov.
- Module 5: Stability Analysis of Natural Convection Loop with Internal Heat Generation. Mark Kimber, Stefano Lorenzi and Antonio Cammi.
Poster competition: Monday evening (July 1st). The poster should include a research question, expected results or hypothesis, method, results and error analysis, interpretation and conclusions. A prize will be awarded for best poster on ongoing research.
Capstone assignment: Wednesday afternoon (July 3rd). You will form a team and define a research proposal. The research proposal will define existing knowledge, knowledge gap, relevance to technology development, research question, and proposed methods. A team prize will be awarded for the best proposal.
Schedule at a glance:
- Sunday, 30 June. PM: AM/PM: participant arrival. 5pm: welcoming event.
- Monday, 1 July. AM: Module 1, PM: Module 2, Evening: poster competition
- Tuesday, 2 July. AM: Module 3, PM: Module 4.
- Wednesday, 3 July. AM: Module 5. PM: Capstone assignment, and tour of Delft Labs. Day ends at 7pm.
- Thursday-Friday, 4-5 July. (Optional) SAMOFAR meeting.
Application: 100-word statement and CV. Deadline: April 26th. Admission decisions will be made by May 6th. | Application form.